Entwerfen. Wissen. Produzieren
Design. Knowledge. Production
Designforschung im Anwendungskontext

Annual Conference of the German Society of Design Theory and Research (DGTF)

Dr. phil. Robert Dennhardt

Dr. phil. Robert Dennhardt studied, after a training for measurement and control technician, culture, philosophy and English literature at Humboldt University in Berlin. He then worked as a researcher at the Helmholtz Center for Cultural Technology in the research group "Bild-Schrift-Zahl" (picture font number) and did his PhD in "The Flipflop and Digital. A prehistory of the digital computer from contact with the sub-cup tube electronics from 1837 to 1945". Besides working as a mathematics teacher and freelance writer, he works since 2008 on his postdoctoral project "Thoughts flash as knowledge art. An Epistemology of associative thinking in written images".

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